2023 Star Citizen Year in Review: Unveiling the Progress and Predictions of 2024″


2023 is finally behind us and with it, a new year comes with brand new things to look forward to. But instead of looking forward today, I wanted to first look back on the progress of Star Citizen over the course of the last four quarters. Here are all the updates I could find related to updates we got in 2024


  1. An update to the hair of Star Citizen
  2. Ship trespassing feature
  3. Ship soft death feature
  4. Physicalization of cargo which allows you to loot wrecks or other players
  5. Addition of different sized SU boxes
  6. Addition of vehicle tractor beams
  7. Launch of the new player experience
  8. Introduction of anti-combat logging system
  9. MFD persistence
  10. Automated loading for the hall CNA

Gameplay Loops

  1. Addition of Salvage gameplay loop
  2. Introduction of Salvage contract missions
  3. Addition of new ultra rare and valuable hand minable element- janite

Missions and Activities

  1. Introduction of ghost Hollow PVP mission
  2. Addition of bunker retrieve Consignment mission
  3. Launch of bunker data heist mission
  4. Illegal Mission involving stealing evidence from SPK
  5. Expansion of prison gameplay Loop
  6. Addition of new Crusader platforms


  1. Derel settlements and Derel outposts added mostly to Microtech and Hurston
  2. Introduction of new trading locations
  3. Launch of new jumptown locations


  • Ability to attach and detach components from ships
  • Introduction of rivers
  • Integration of Squadron 42’s AI
  • Implementation of persistent enemy streaming
  • Addition of Gen 12 renderer
  • Partial implementation of HDR
  • Launch of tech preview channel

Arena Commander

  • Addition of RAC tracks
  • Introduction of experimental gameplay modes
  • Introduction of multi-crew mode


  • Addition of graycat weapons multi-tool salvage attachment
  • Addition of two-handed tractor beam

Ships & Vehicles

  • Addition of various ships and vehicles like Mui Fury Series, Crusader A1 and C1, Drake Cutter Scout, and more

Polish & Bug Fixing

  • Polishing and bug fixing of Siege of Orison and Jumptown, and more

Predictions for 2024

Despite certain slowdowns in 2023, I believe 2024 is going to be one of the best years that Star Citizen has ever had. With Squadron 42 now feature complete, 2024 could potentially see even bigger updates such as engineering updates, introduction of Pyro and the first real test of server meshing, and more.

If you’d like to learn more about Star Citizens check out their website at: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/

    Jake M.
    A passionate gamer and tech enthusiast, Jake M. has been at the forefront of gaming trends and technology since his teenage years. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of what makes the gaming community tick, Jake leads the editorial team at TechTrendsGaming.com.

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